Happy Birthday, Mom!


This past weekend my parents came down for a visit and we ended up getting free tickets for the Vikings game...4 of them, which worked out perfect. My mom grew up in MN and is a Vikes fan, so she was thrilled to be able to go to her very first NFL game...on her birthday, nonetheless. It was military appreciation day, which was cool to be a part of, too! I'm not sure if Mom and I spent more time watching the game or the high maintenance chick sitting in front of us downing beer with her metallic stilettos and bedazzled cell phone that she was texting on non-stop, but we had a blast.

Glad we were able to spend your birthday with you, Mom. Love you!


Becky said...

Thanks again for a fun day! We both enjoyed it a lot. It seems like every year I get to do something fun and different on my birthday! Who says it isn't fun getting old?? Love you!

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