Christmas Sweeties


I'm sure you all know how difficult it is to get a good picture of your kids with everyone smiling, no one picking their nose or crying, or running towards the camera screaming "CHEEEEESE!!!!"'s nearly impossible. Somehow this weekend we were able to capture a couple of darling pictures of the kids in front of the Christmas tree. (FYI: This was as a result of Mom hiding behind the couch, popping up screaming "PEEKABOO!" while wearing the balloon hat from Gonzo the Clown we'd gotten the night before at a local restaurant)

Hope you enjoy the pictures!


Katie said...


Kelly said...

Very cute. Good work with the clown hat. Too bad you didn't post a picture of that!

Thompson's said...

Great pictures of the kids- I guess whatever tricks you have to pull out of your hat (no pun intended) to get some decent pictures. Looks like they were enjoying themselves at least!

Anonymous said...

Very cute :) They both look so grown up!

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