Happy Birthday Dad!!


Well last week I posted about my Mom's birthday and now this week it's my Dad's birthday!! So here we go...my Dad is the greatest!!

Growing up as the only girl with 3 brothers I remember how much I loved spending time with my dad. Even though he worked all day long, he always came home ready to play with us and made sure to find out how our day was, etc. As a kid I remember him always helping others, whether it was offering to help with a project or driving someone somewhere who was having car troubles. He was always there to help! That's a quality that I absolutely LOVE about both of my parents.

The most vivid memory I have of my dad as we were growing up is seeing him on Sundays up front in church leading music. I thought it was THE best thing EVER when I got to sing for special music at church with him. And as frustrated as I would sometimes get while working on math with my dad when we were home-schooled, I do have many great memories of spending time together with him as he taught me the thing I dreaded most...fractions. :o) So Dad, I just wanted to say happy birthday and thanks so much for what a wonderful dad you are to us!!

P.S. It might seem odd that I'm posting what seems like a random picture of my dad, but I just think this picture of Peyton swinging with Papa Mike is so stinking cute!!


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