Celebrate Good Times...C'mon!


Well, after a few months of my world flip-flopping upside down like it does every June {i.e. kids home for the summer = me panicky trying to accommodate graphic design clients} - especially this summer with Chad in a different job where he's only off for 4 weeks rather than the entire summer, yesterday was the glorious day that all mom's look forward to...the first day of school. HALLELUJAH, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, halle-lujah!!!!!!!!

Call me horrible, but it was time. Routine is good. So, cheers to a great school year with little Miss Peyton entering 2nd grade and Mr. Carson ready to tear up 1st grade! They're pretty pumped to be at the same school this year...and mom is jumping for joy to only have one drop off/pick up location. Yippeeeeeeee!!!!! Libby Design is back in business {during "normal" business hours, that is}, baby!


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