Wordless Wednesday - The Crazy Ladies


This was taken up at Trout Lake Camp this fall when a few girlfriends and I went up for the weekend to attend the Women's Retreat. I, of course, had my trusty camera and captured our weekend on film. This picture is my favorite, though. Our attempt to do a "group shot" turned into me setting the timer on the camera, then running like a mad woman and diving in front of the the other girls just in time for them to hold me up before the camera snapped the picture. This pretty much sums up our weekend. Love you girls!!! Can't wait until next year!!


Sarah said...

Man I miss the girlfriend days! Makes me even more ready to move home! Glad you had a fabuloso time!

Cara said...

I bet that was so much fun... Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Looks like y'all had a great weekend!

Staci A said...

Ya'll look like you could have a lot of fun together! What a great shot!

PhilandTheresa said...

Thanks for not mentioning that we DROPPED you!! I had tons of fun and am looking forward to next year!! I am so blessed to have you as a friend!!

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