Tomorrow is D-Day...


DENTAL WORK Day for Peyton. The poor little thing. We're headed to Children's in St. Paul for a whopper of a day. Once we get all checked in and everything they'll get Peyton all set up to be put under. Then they'll get dental x-rays, and based on the last dentist visit, Peyton will need 2 crowns and 3 cavities filled. We're hoping the x-rays come back and that some of those cavities don't turn into additional crowns. Finally the dentist will wrap everything up by giving Peyton's teeth a good cleaning and then will come the "fun" part...waiting for Peyton to wake up. The last time she had to be put under she woke up absolutely hysterical - to the point that they came and got me out of the family waiting area and took me back to the post-op recovery area where parents generally aren't supposed to be. She was so worked up that I ended up climbing up in her bed and holding her because she had a death grip on the edge of the bed and wouldn't get go for ANYTHING. It was horrible. That was about 2 years ago, so I'm hoping she does a little better now that she's a bit older but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I'm preparing for the worst...and hoping she does fine!

When I took Peyton in for her first dentist appointment and found out that she had a zillion cavities I felt terrible. I felt like it was a sign that I wasn't doing a good job helping her brush or that I was giving her too many foods that were bad for her teeth. It was very reassuring to have the dentist tell me that the majority of Peyton's dental issues are a result of her being severely tongue tied for the first 2.5+ years of her life. As the dentist put it, "Imagine what your teeth would look like if you couldn't move your tongue to clear food away from your back molars AND you didn't really brush your teeth for two and a half years". Okay, that made a lot of sense to me, and definitely made me feel better. So, we'll get everything taken care of to repair the damage to Peyton's teeth and I'll stop thinking of myself as a mad mom. :o)

Please be praying that everything goes well tomorrow and that Peyton recovers quickly!! Thanks in advance everyone!!


PhilandTheresa said...

We've been praying for you guys, hope it went well!!!

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